“Founded in 1947, NAPMM strives to help market managers improve facilities and increase services while encouraging cooperation and exchange of ideas between members and partners."

NAPMM Handbook

The NAPMM Handbook is a vital resource in our industry. It includes pertinent information about the organization, and includes market listings across the U.S. and more. There is also a listing of pertinent U.S. Government agencies and the USDA Marketing Services Division.

Your participation and support through placing an ad in the handbook allows us to coordinate, print and distribute this valuable tool to our membership.

Handbook Advertising Form and Production Requirements Due Friday December 15th for 2024 Handbook.


Ready to take the next step?

Looking for networking opportunities, and creative ways to grow your market? Join NAPMM today, and soak up the benefits of support and collaboration that you can find in the membership.

“What makes farmers markets such special places, is that you are actually creating a community around food.”

-Bryant Terry


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“There is no better place to find support than in this diverse organization of individuals undertaking this same crazy adventure that is market management.”

— Member Statement